

英 [prɪsk'rɪpʃnz]
美 [prɪsk'rɪpʃnz]


  • n.

    药( prescription的名词复数 );处方;开处方;计划

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • directions prescribed beforehand; the action of prescribing authoritative rules or directions

        "I tried to follow her prescription for success"

      • a drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist

        "he told the doctor that he had been taking his prescription regularly"

        同义词:prescription drugprescription medicineethical drug

      • written instructions for an optician on the lenses for a given person
      • written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of a drug to be issued to a given patient
    • adj.available only with a doctor's written prescription

      "a prescription drug"



    folk prescription偏方;民间药方

    prescription drug须医师处方才可买的药品

    exercise prescription运动处方

    prescription medicine处方药

    on prescription凭处方(的),根据药方(的)

    make up a prescription配药,调剂

    negative prescription 【法律】(请求权的)消除时效 , 【法律】可提出诉讼的法定期限;消灭时效



    1. It's these tests that authorize them to write ineffectie and dangerous prescriptions which are bankrupting us all.


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    Office visits and analgesic prescriptions for musculoskeletal pain in US: 1980 vs. 2000.
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    Interventions to enhance patient adherence to medication prescriptions: scientific review.
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    STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions) and START (Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment). Consensus val...
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    上一篇:prescription drugs